There have been way too many posts about toxic death farts that get mistaken for sewage and other things

My girlfriend's dad used to have a habit of shitting upstairs in his bathroom with the bathroom door and the bedroom door wide open and leaving the fan off. His shits would literally make the entire 2,000² ft house smell like somebody took a shit right next to you. You could be cooking dinner or eating dinner downstairs and all of a sudden it starts to smell like shit and gets stronger and stronger until you had to turn the house fan on in the middle of winter to clear it out. It took over 3 years to get him to stop doing it for some dumb reason! He would apologize every time and act like he would stop then the next time he has to take a shit he would just do the same exact thing even if he was in the downstairs bathroom just 15ft from where everyone was. To this day I still don't understand how his body produces these disgusting shits

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