There be double standards in this community

Double standards arise when separate categories or demographics are regarded or treated differently while their distinctions are effectively inconsequential or irrelevant. Among many things, having a Reaper 5 tells you the location of every other emissary on the map. That's a huge fundamental difference between Reapers and the other factions that exclusively affects PvP. It's not a double standard to think of Reapers differently in PvP when they are, in fact, different from other factions in PvP.

Also, different standards are not necessarily double standards. For example, it's not a double standard to think a violent criminal deserved a violent death while thinking an innocent person who never hurt a soul doesn't deserve the same death. Is testing elementary school children against elementary school material while testing high school students against a high school curriculum a double standard? No, but they're all students, right? Same with the factions. I also never said any faction is "only to be raised" for a limited set of purposes, though it's pretty clear what the intentions are.

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