Has there ever been a report of an Audio Engineer who 'heard voices?'

Everyone gets "auditory disturbances."


If it is slightly scaring you because you feel like you are losing your mind, and you are just generally worried about your well being, this may be typical anxiety/panic disorder. Are you LISTENING for something?

If the voices make you terrified, then you may be pushing towards symptoms of PTSD.

If you can interact with the voices, but they aren't scary, it may be schizophrenia/schizotypal symptoms.

Tinnitus and other ear damage can cause auditory disturbances. The worry from hearing loss is also anxiety inducing.

Sitting long hours, non-breaking concentration, bad ergonomics. Utilizing both artistic and analytical areas of the brain. This tends to cause fatigue, which leads to anxiety.

Most millennials tend to think of mental disorder in the traditional sense. You don't want to go crazy, and are afraid to associate with crazy people.

Younger millennials and gen z kids seem to understand it more, but a lot of them are romanticizing the older "melancholy bourgeois." (That doesn't really exist anymore. Rich kids can be even worse now. )

Anxiety should be accepted, and people aren't always "crazy." Some people may have baggage to deal with as a friend. But mental disorder is not cool. Most of the time you are just poison on everyone around you. "Social anxiety" threads and the like are literally the most pathetic places on the internet. Mental illness is meant to be conquered, not circle jerked.

/r/audioengineering Thread