Why is there so few servers now?

hi, you may know me, maybe not. but Im Jaime Barnert. Im TheBarnert22s brother..his name is jorge. well i need to tell you something that i was told to keep to myself. what deltacoy has posted on here. and elsewhere, is true. my brother has memory lapses because of the medications he takes...he has OD once before. he has anger issues too. But he told me in confidence that gold was used once in a match. he used it. and he told deltacoy to use it for healing units. so i cannot stand by when this is happening

my brother Jorge is not suited to be leader of Secta Pacifica alliance.

i had asked deltacoy to take that spot, New dominion, hayate and Rimzy members of spc, agree that Jorge is not mentally stable and not fit for leadership

so what was posted, is not lies from deltacoy....Jorge fabricated alot of the info to make him look bad.

1:18 PM

thats my story. and thanks for listening

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