Why is there incredible hate of the wealthy on Reddit?

1) I have news for you: most people on the face of the earth WORK HARD. This is not unique to wealthy Americans. Most of them do not become wealthy. In fact, the poorest work the hardest.

2) 'taxation is theft' is an ignorant statement, irregardless of opinions about the wealthy. If one wants to belong to a country, they must pay taxes to get the benefits.

The USA has debt issues that need to be addressed without cutting everything in the budget. There are things that benefit you.

3) I think many people are tired of wealthy people paying LESS taxes. We all work hard and we ALL 'DESERVE'. Due to loopholes and how the tax system in US is set up, the richer pay much less in taxes.

I don't think it's hatred of the rich. That's an overly simple way of looking at a complex problem. It's an easy way for the wealthy to convince others they are being 'persecuted' so they can continue to not pay their share of taxes.

/r/Libertarian Thread