Is there a list of LoL > Dota 2 hero equivalents?

While there are tons of other good answers in this thread, I thought I would throw together a list of similar playstyles (not: playstyles, not abilities. There are many supports in League that would work great as carries/cores in Dota, and vice versa. For instance, Bard has similar abilities to Faceless Void and Windrunner, yet plays more like Earth Spirit). There's a lot of champions and heroes, so some may be completely unique, but I'll do my best to compile a list. League Dota Notes Aatrox Anti-Mage jumps in, good damage, good chase Ahri Storm Spirit "come back here" ability, huge mobility Akali Riki invisibility, huge assassination potentional, gap closing dash Alistar Centaur Warrunner jumps on top of enemies, enjoys taking damage) Amumu Treant Protector hits huge teamfight changing ults, becomes utility after that Anivia Leshrac solid poke in lane, reliant on hitting stun for kills Annie Warlock great harass and lane support, game changing ultimate - even better than Tibbers! Ashe Drow Ranger auto attack slow, huge damage, very squishy Azir Invoker control-based mage, can poke you down or jump in and create havoc Bard Earth Spirit reposition allies, CC enemies, great at roaming Blitzcrank Pudge grabs enemies, holds them down, can be mobile Brand Zeus great AoE damage in fights, solid in lane, not very mobile Braum --- ---- Caitlyn Sniper stand faaaaar away, then snipe Cassiopeia Medusa late game carry with teamwide stun Cho'Gath Elder Titan ranged disable that sets up other abilities Corki Morpling(not Gyrocopter!) good chase potential and survivability, needs good positioning Darius Axe pretty much the same champ/hero, get in there and dunk Diana Templar Assassin does massive damage once on top of people Dr. Mundo Abaddon sticks to enemies, cannot be killed late Draven Clinkz massive damage, good chase, but easily killed Ekko Weaver gets on top of enemies, does sustained damage, has a panic button Elise --- ---- Evelynn Riki constantly invisible, seeks and destroys carries Ezreal Queen of Pain good poke, good burst, good mobility Fiddlesticks Witch Doctor bouncing CC, good sustain, teamfight wrecking ult (Old) Fiora Juggernaut farms a bunch, then wrecks teams with slice-n-dice ult Fizz Puck has bullshit amounts of mobility and dodge potential, ult changes teamfights Galio Disruptor has ranged utility, and an ultimate that locks enemies down Gangplank Kunkka constant obnoxious poke, good chasedown, both pirates Garen Necrophos huge sustain, constant damage, lockdown ult that does missing HP damage Gnar Earthshaker waaaay too much CC, waits for perfect initiation moment Gragas Brewmaster great survivability and on-top-of-you damage, disrupts teamfights Graves Luna clears waves like nothing, bursty ultimate Hecarim Spirit Breaker/Centaur Warrunner SB:comes from where ever on the map to chase you down CW:extremely fast initiation and CC Heimerdinger Venomancer drops units to attack for him, good CC otherwise, obnoxious to lane against Irelia Slardar great single target focus, can chase with ease Janna Keeper of the Light ranged poke and teamfight disruption, very squishy Jarvan IV Clockwerk gets on top of you then holds you there until his team arrives Jax Huskar goes in hard, gets massive resistances while fighting Jayce Troll Warlord can be ranged or melee, good poke, better on-top-of-you damage Jinx Bloodseeker gets one kill and goes absolutely ham, can still be focused down Kalista --- ---- Karma Shadow Demon protects allies or sets up kills for team, good poke, good chase Karthus Zeus farms in lane, hits R for kills later (except Zeus is viable) Kassadin Anti-mage goes OOM really quick, can chase well Katarina Ember Spirit goes in from range and hits one button and wins the fight. Kayle Terrorblade bad in melee form, really good in ranged form, great physical DPS Kennen Razor focuses down carries, then rains down lightning upon their souls Kha'Zix Ursa Obliterates targets, but only one at a time (Ursa needs blink for Kha-like mobility however) Kog'Maw Viper one-dimensional carry, does great damage, but still killed fairly quickly LeBlanc Meepo locks you down then blows you up, killed quickly if not careful with positioning (Meepo clones aren't clones though; if one dies, they all do!) Lee Sin Tusk great initiation and damage, locks down enemies and allows your team to do the hard work Leona Ogre Magi beefy support with great lockdown, stun a bunch and allow your team to kill Lissandra Puck ranged initiation, disables enemies and holds them in place while dealing good damage Lucian Weaver sustained damage due to double-procced auto attacks, good mobility but still bursted easily Lulu Oracle great utility, good damage, but primarily focuses on saving allies Lux Lina good lane harass, stun sets up burst combo, ult is long ranged and hurts Malphite Tidehunter almost entirely ult reliant, decent chasedown after ult is used, innately tanky Malzahar Bane find a carry and hold them in place until they drown in tears Maokai Undying great at weakening enemies while allies or other units do the work, absolute monster with ult up Master Yi Ember Spirit great AoE damage with huge chase potential and survivability Miss Fortune Luna good lane harass and kill potential, but reliant on ultimate of teamfight damage Mordekaiser Doom one dimensional and not very mobile, but can ruin anybody's day by hitting R then nuking Morgana Shadow Shaman great disable and AoE damage, ult dissuades enemy from fighting Nami Crystal Maiden very squishy, but makes up for it through great early game CC and huge ultimate pressure Nasus --- ---- Nautilus Tusk engages with ease, disables one target for an extremely long time, hard to kill Nidalee --- ---- Nocturne Night Stalker/Spectre NS:good roaming with great DPS, CC good for killing, inflicts darkness S:global ult pressure, great chase due to trail Nunu Phoenix does low damage in general, but ult creates enormous pressure Olaf Lifestealer thoroughly enjoys slowing people and auto attacking until the enemy dies, kited easily, fairly beefy Orianna Magnus solid lane poke, farms quickly, teamfight winning ultimate Pantheon Wraith King one-dimension playstyle of stun then hit, but a nuisance to play against Poppy Ursa very auto-attack reliant,massive damage reduction, screws over a single target Quinn Razor great anti-carry, renders enemies near-useless while dishing out massive damage through auto attacks and ultimate Rammus Axe enjoys being attacked, taunts enemies and deals huge AoE damage Rek'Sai Sven with a TP scroll? great AoE disable, clears waves and the jungle quickly through cleave Renekton Huskar major lane bully, enjoys diving a team's backline and does so with ease Rengar Nyx Assassin disables a target, deals massive damage in super short amounts of time Riven Faceless Void requires lots of farm to be effective, good mobility, teamfight changing ult Rumble Timbersaw sits inside a mech, great damage and chase, huge damage in ult creates zoning pressure Ryze Bristleback constantly sticks to you, is unnecessarily tanky, deals constant damage Sejuani Enigma very ultimate reliant, good jungle clear, offers little damage but much CC Shaco Phantom Lancer creates illusions of self to deceive enemy and deal tons of damage, very mobile and good poke Shen Chen (lol) global ult allows allies to play more aggressive, deals little damage otherwise, good CC if used properly Shyvana Slardar farms for a bit, then obliterates one target at a time Singed Batrider tries to be as much of a nuisance as possible, deals DoT damage and displaces enemies Sion Centaur Warrunner meanders in, attempting to tank damage so his team can clean up, good disable when used properly Sivir Gyrocopter requires good positioning to farm, fight, and siege properly, good ult usage wins fights Skarner Batrider rush into the enemy team, grab the carry, drag them back screaming to your team Sona Dazzle good balance of heal, damage, and survivability for your carries Soraka Omniknight deals good damage, crazy amounts of healing, and protects allies from incoming abilities Swain Death Prophet renders enemies fairly useless, all whilst doing passive damage from your ult Syndra --- ---- Tahm Kench Io provides global map pressure for you and an ally, good damage and protection of allies Talon Phantom Assassin jumps on and decimates an enemy, dealing massive damage with good escape and survivability Taric Ogre Magi primarily a stun machine, gives allies stats to help kill Teemo Techies indecent human beings pick these two Thresh Mirana roaming support reliant on a skillshot, decent mobility, gets allies into fights Tristana Phantom Lancer pushes like an animal, has good escape, can still kill with ease Trundle Undying creates havoc in teamfights, doesn't need too much farm to be effective Tryndamere Wraith King plays recklessly with consequences, crazy good with farm, has no fear of dying Twisted Fate Ember Spirit can roam without worry due to mobility given by ult, easily killed later but good damage Twitch Clinkz invisible assassin-carry-DPS machine, killed incredible easily but deals enough damage to where it usually doesn't matter Udyr Legion Commander rotates between jungle and lanes to create kill pressure and snowball incredibly hard Urgot Viper sustained damage, killable yet beefy, incredibly ugly creatures Varus Windranger long range damage with extremely high DPS, still killed fairly easily Vayne Spectre incredibly good carry that's terrifying late, possibly best in the game Veigar Outworld Devourer keeps his int high while stealing it from his enemies, then doing burst damage with said int Vel'koz Skywrath Mage very high magic-based damage whilst sacrificing mobility and survivability, ridiculous ult damage Editing this constantly, check back soon for updates

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