There is a lot of misinformation about the guild banning situation on this sub. Here is the full story from a member of the controversial guild "JewElimination".

Tasteless jokes are all too common on the internet. I'm sure no one seriously thinks that this stupid guild was actually about "eliminating Jews" or whatever.

Just because it's common to troll doesn't mean that that we should not weary of it. Two points here:

  • Real racists can always pretend they are just trolling or join the guild for the keys.
  • And there is also Pole's law.
    • /r/the_donald started off as a troll forum, not serious subreddit and what did it become now? Real obnoxious Trump supporters end up joining them! The same concept could be used for this guild too.

Because of these two points even if one join for trolling or key openings and not for racism, the person are still at risk of being affiliated to the real racists. Additionally, I personally won't want to join such guild either just for trolling as I don't viewed by others that I am some edgy 14 year old troll.

I do agree on your rest of the posts though. unless you are actually also arguing against temporary ban for people who spends a lot of money on the game which I don't think you are.

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