There may have been a miscalculation ... -_-

Lol...and also hope they are ok. I did something similar while skiing. Hit a jump and messed up the landing a little. So cause it was end of the day I said to my mate I am going again. Went up the mountain hit a 3m jump and went another 3m in the air. Planned my landing in my head this time. As I started tilting forward to line up the descent part of the jump sloping down I noticed I was about 2ft short. Front of the skiis hit the flat as the top part of my body proceeded over the slope. Stocks planted in the slope. Tore both sides of my chest muscles and snapped both thumbs. What hurt most though was the awwwwwe coming from the spectators. One of them brought me my one ski that came off. Put both stocks under my arm pits and proceeded down the mountain.

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