There is so much conflicting information about DAIRY. Is there some kind of conclusion about if dairy is good or bad for you?

As a dietitian working in a research facility exclusively with osteoporotic patients I just have to add that I have seen first hand that bone density scans show improvements time and time again when my patients have at least 1,300mg of calcium a day while doing specifically tailored exercise.

You can get this amount without dairy but it’s realllllly hard and often means the patient has to think about calcium all the time to make sure they are having enough and they often end up taking supplements.

But just having hard cheese (20g of Millel Parmesan has 275mg), a cup of milk (350mg) and a tub of high calcium yoghurt like Nudie Skyr (500mg) can be a really easy way for people to get enough calcium in to help their bones.

I have seen dozens of research papers about dairy and even participated in some and in my experience if you want strong bones, dairy is your best bet.

/r/nutrition Thread