Is there a name for a fear of one day being tortured?

Damn its reassuring other people have these kind of experiences too. I've had frequent feelings of being 'marked' or that I did terrible things in a past life or something so it was fate that i would be hunted down or kidnapped and tortured.

They've largely gone down whilst ive been doing emotional processing work and various spiritual practice and realised the stories my mind tells and my beliefs are ridiculously inaccurate and i personally think are often based off faulty perceptions as a reaction to unprocessed fear and pain from childhood, maybe even that got passed on from previous generations and shit.

Or a lot of the fear could have come from watching fucked up shit online like serial killer stuff when you were younger (obvs take what im saying with a pinch of salt as its just my perspective based on experience)

But youll notice when the fearful story arises and you go into paranoid mode, underlying it there will be a feeling (or number of feelings) starting to surface into awareness. Its the fear and avoidance of the feeling that can cause you to get stuck in the irrational fear and until you find a way you can start to safely face and process the underlying feelings and get the message of them - the irrational thought loops will continue to play like a record player

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