There is no guarantee of consensual sex work under current capitalist systems, and therefore sex work is not empowering.

But it shouldn't be such a frightening decision to make in the first place. I don't think it's fair to put the whole of responsibility on workers and sex workers, who so often barely have any money or bargaining power and need to eat and survive. I think the responsibility belongs to corporations that profit off of porn. And I also think that this only proves my point--people would feel the need to engage in such high risk, high reward jobs nearly as often if we had a universal basic income.

If we "operate with the understanding that might not happen," as you say we should, then the solution really isn't to throw up our hands and say, "Oh well! They made their choice, so it's their fault if they get hurt!" None of us HAVE much choice in the first place. We have to survive, and this is how some people do it. I would never blame them for that.

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