There is no heroism in covering for an unfit president

> Everything that can help us endure and move forward is a blessing.

This is the sickness the Republican party has spread to the American people. Anything short of absolute disaster is a blessing?

I'll tell ya why I think this move by the anonymous staffer is pathetic. They acknowledge that Trump is a vile idiot who cannot be trusted, and who makes a mockery of the highest position in the country. Yet, they got him there. Now they say "fear not! some of us have common sense and will stop this fool from destroying the country!" but again... they are the ones who created this situation. Why is it that America has found herself here, where an opposition needs to be formed directly under the president??? I'll tell you exactly why. These partisan assholes choose to ignore EVERY single sign during the campaign, choose to throw their hats in with Trump when they saw it was their best change to score a "victory" for their party-- and are now outright acknowledging that this victory came at the cost of electing someone they don't trust, or respect, and worse, they consider dangerous and unpredictable.

Again, any claim they try to make at this point of "setting the course" or "moderating Trump" is an utterly laughable gesture. They watched for months and months as this unfolded, they created this situation by being silent and complacent, and now seek to project some phony sense of integrity because they are moderating the clusterfuck they created. It's like encouraging some mentally unstable person to go out stabbing people, and then stopping them before it turns into murder. "This guy is fucking nuts, but don't worry- we will work to keep his activity to grievous bodily harm." Wow, great. Or maybe you could have not handed the guy a fucking knife.

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