There was no Overwatch Comic in the whole year 2018

That's the problem though.

It's not comics, lore, etc. Anymore. It's the OWL. The Pro's Not something that keeps other fans around. They're focused on that sole group.

They hand snacks out via some cosmetics, but it's lessened. Under the guise of wanting to working in the games pipes, and the balancing. Be it quicker or just more.

When you see the reason as "Well duh, OWL = Money." It's not per say the Overwatch you knew years ago. It's not the Overwatch you saw with a Genji and Hanzo cinematic; that breathed character, backstory, and artistic passion all in one beautiful presentation.

I get why, and it's also because the games been out now for years. They don't need to make as much cinematics because they already have the game out, they don't need to drive the advertising that far anymore.

By the end of the day it's still a bummer.

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