There Is No Such Thing As A Clean Wehrmacht - World War 2 Channel

what is undeniable is the Wehrmacht as an organisation was complicit in the Holocaust and the War of extermination on the Eastern front

Except I already showed you that even the academic you attempted to use in your original response to me is one of the many who resoundingly destroyed the work primarily used to create this myth. Most importantly, you are behaving absolutely no better than the actual Nazis themselves, seeking to paint an entire organization and its members as one color. Even ignoring the western premise of "innocent until proven guilty" (which already makes assuming all individuals guilty insane), or the documented proofs of refusals to cooperate with SS units or individuals actively undermining the efforts, it is still beyond reason to assume the full participation of an organization with more than 13 MILLION in anything. You can't get 13 million people to agree on anything, let alone radical idealism. Your statement and stance is dangerous to both history and the future, as it allows for exception to the presumption of innocence, is inherently prejudicial to an entire nationality, and is disconnected from history itself. As for the assertion the Wehrmacht 'legalized' war crimes, I assume you're referring to the Commissar Order, which was issued at the direction of Hitler and the SS, not Wehrmacht high command, so no. And as for the assertion that the Wehrmacht committed crimes 'on a vastly larger scale than anyone else' I would find that claim dubious at best and outright dishonest at worst. The Soviet Army killed over a million German civilians in 6 months at the end of the war, and hundreds of thousands if not millions more in the following years, to say nothing of their actions in the far east as well as the territories such as the Baltic States and Belorussia as they retook those areas. The Imperial Japanese Army conducted mass killings throughout Asia and the Pacific. The Italian Army committed targeted genocides in Africa. Most importantly, none of the numbers for any of these actions are perfect or even considered 90% reliable by respectable academics. The Western Allies (primarily the UK and US) went on a crusade of white-washing the Wehrmacht to rearm the West German military with less objections from their other allies. That was wrong and dishonest. You and others have taken the correction of their lies to the extreme where you are on a crusade to vilify the entire organization and all those within it, which is wrong and dishonest just the same.

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