There is one simple way to ensure that AMC goes to unimaginable numbers…

I'm sure that there were tons of posts like this prior to the GME run up

People promising that it would reach all sorts of numbers

Imagine being someone who invested when it was sub 10$ and seeing it at over 400$ and not selling

No you believed it would reach 100,000$ per share

Imagine watching week after week as it never came back up and continued falling

Could have made a ridiculous amount of money and then re-invested it on the dip

But no you believed in that 100,000$ per share number

Now realize that there is a very real possibility that the same exact shit happens with the AMC squeeze

So many of you crayon eating apes are sitting there watching it hit a very big number compared to what we are now

You could have massive gains

Now imagine you tell your family and friends DONT SELL

They trust you, they listen to you

The stock drops over weeks and everyone who could have made some big gains, dwindle down to nothing

How would you feel?

Stop telling people when to sell or what numbers to hold for

Its some crab bucket idiocy to try and pull other people down away from gains because you are filled with greed

Listen if you wanna HODL till 100k be my guest

And if it never reaches 100k and you miss out and don't sell as it dwindles back down to 10$ you should be okay with your decision

I will sell when I want to

The 4+ million holders that exist will sell when they want to

There are 468k accounts in this sub and many are bots or people who aren't even invested

Stop dreaming that everyone will hold for you and that you will get to sell at the peak of the mountain

Or that there are some infinite number of synthetic shares

None knows, but based on the actual history of the stock

When we ran up to 70$ they returned 60 million shares that were on loan

So if right now we are at around 150+ million shares on loan, the expected price is going to be in the hundreds at best

I will be glad to see it reach higher numbers, but holy shit some of you are living in a fantasy world dreaming about how 1 share is going to make u rich

You need to get a grip on reality

/r/amcstock Thread