There is really almost no hope after college

It's actually pretty logical. If you had no such experience up to that point, this will alienate you even further from the people at your age which had such experience. On top of that the fact that you couldn't connect with anyone up until that age means you have some sort of problem, which not only is not going to fix itself but will probably exacerbate. The actual problems are vastly different depending on the people, some people have had the bad luck to be born extremely ugly with deformities etc, some people have disabilities, some are socially retarded etc and probably many more I can't think of right now. The age of 25 is special because it's the age after you've finished college, which is the place where you have the opportunity to meet the most amount of people with similar interests etc. If by that point you had 0 luck then there's high probability that you have one of those problems, some of them are impossible to overcome, some might be solvable but in all cases it's very hard, so that the probability of escaping is low.

Let's look at me for example. I'm tall and my facial structure is good, which is good. However right now I have absolutely no social skills and 0 people I communicate with on a daily basis (excluding the people I have to talk to for work-related things specifically from time to time (all male btw, working as a software dev from one the most "hardcore nerdy" types, which is quite rare one even in our field). As a kid I was unable to sociallize at all I had no friends, etc (now I understand a lot of the mistakes I made and how I could fought against the hostile environment but it doesn't matter now anyway) ... Naturally this continued during school, high school etc. This lead my social skills to be severally undeveloped

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