Is there really a double standard for casual sex?

Men aren't praised for that. They are blamed stereotypically for it. I think we all live in that stereotype-world somehow. Male friends of mine who are way more experienced than me get called out for being active. The best they receive is not to mention that they are active. All the tinder profiles by women tell the same. So to say they are praised is is not true.

Women living out their sexuality get a lot of support to be honest. At least from media and from men, too. This all only in our western culture (I'm european). I cannot speak for any other culture.

What I really don't know is how women talk about sexual active women. I can imagine that they way more harsh among each other.

BUT what I really do understand is, the problem to be always sexualized. Even when women don't want anything sexually they have to deal with men who want to "flirt" (to say it nicely; to ask for a BJ is not flirting; but women have to deal with it all the time) with them. That is fucked up and I can understand that women are fed up with this.

So the truth is. There is no double standard. Truth is, we are different. In so so many ways. We can't compare our life situations and our problems and our mindsets and our beliefs and wants and needs. Sometimes they are comparable but they are rarely similar. This is not about being misogyn or misandrin. Being typically female or male and accept it is something we all have to learn to get equality. My two cents as a male.

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