There’s literally YouTube advertising for Tarkov cheats and BSG claims they really cannot pin these hackers down or do anything about it

Everyone would like to see the game in a better state, but the reality is they have been saying the same thing about cheaters for 4 years now. The post that Nikita made yesterday is a copy-paste of the same post he makes every year. Cheating has gotten worse in that time, not better. I'm not trying to be pessimistic or a drama queen, as you say, but at some point, you have to accept reality, they aren't going to do shit. Either because they cant, or sales are so that it benefits them not to. I don't know. You can argue the video will inspire people to cheat, fair enough. But my entire point is it's so bad at the min, I don't think it matters. You are talking about which flavor of shit tastes better.

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