There’s no fucking way this isn’t satire

All this sounds like a great idea except the trump part. Oh and my wife would not like the hooters part. Oh and she likes when I make her coffee in the morning with almond mild since she is lacto intolerant.

Pumping iron is great, steak is a yes please in my house, bible reading was fine when I read it but do I need to keep reading it, but church is fine because I can get a cool bit of wisdom, a bloody, and brunch after.

Starbucks is a scam (make it at home and save $7 a day - economics like an old school republican). I never apologize for being an alpha male as I walk my daughters to school dressed however they want to, listing to their feelings, supporting them 100%, and showing them what a real man is. A man that treats women like the leaders they will be. The leaders of America one day to keep shit bags like trump away from the Republican Party, Democrat party, but to be independent thinkers for there future great nation.

All we have done is divide us all in to stupid segmented groups that hate one another when we all want some basics. Life, liberty, equality, and the pursuit of happiness.

Women and men can be our future but only if we teach them to respect all humans and make there own choices. To say anyone is less than another is how things dissolve. But stupidity needs to be kept in the box that it came in and somehow it was let loose on us all.

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