why is there "S" written in the back if it is a leaked photo of iphone 7??

I was due for a new phone when the 6 was getting ready to release. I followed the rumors closely for months beforehand to see if it was worth waiting for or if I should go with another manufacturer. I have also followed the 7 rumors just out of curiosity.

There was a consistent channel of rumors for the 6 that trumpeted the same features, design etc. These rumors never wavered and became growing more detailed as the release date grew near. There were a bunch of rumors that anyone with a shred of common sense could see were not something to bank on. Websites looking for page views and clicks often just make shit up.

This leak follows all of the consistent rumors that have been out there since they started coming out. It's no different than what happened with the 6.

"Oh wait....its on the internet, must be true" says someone who clearly hasn't looked into it at all. Or do you just take the stance "Oh wait....its on the internet, must be fake".

I will guarantee you that what we see here is what the phones will be.

/r/iphone Thread Parent Link - imgur.com