There seems to be an awful lot of TERFS on here, most of them silently downvoting trans stuff.

Tbh I feel like there is way more obnoxiously cis woman content. Everybody feels the need to make those memes expressing their disgust of penises and anything that isn't a cis woman, and though genital preference is completely valid, the constant barrage of these messages is very depressing and only serves to remind me that this sub is primarily a space for cis woman who love cis women and everyone else is secondary. I'd bet if I made a meme about having a genital preference for penises and a disgust for vaginas it would get downvoted into the ground and ignored.

Most of the trans content here as well as most trans-positive subs is centered around 'support trans people' and the like and I never see any memes, any relatable content about the transbian experience. Like thanks for saying trans rights, but I would like to be normalized as well, for some part of my identity to not be defined by suffering under transphobia or dysphoria or whatever.

This comment just convinced me that transgenderism is genuine mentall illness.

What the actual fuck? Why wouldn't a LESBIAN subreddit be allowed to express disgust towards penis?

You are mentally ill.

/r/actuallesbians Thread Parent