There is a stereotype that men are funnier than women. New research (n=5,057) found that, on average, men appear to have higher humor production ability than women. Humor may play a role in mating, with an evolutionary basis. It is correlated with intelligence, which may explain why women value it.

Because women are expected to be pretty and quiet and not be funny. As a woman that can be “funny” it’s absolutely made me unpopular with certain types of men who are uncomfortable with women having that kind of confidence and ease in a conversation enough to make jokes because they feel “emasculated”. It’s only certain types of men but I feel like they used to be more common - the type who think women should be nothing more than eye candy that doesn’t speak out of line.

On the other hand, the evidence does suggest that humor plays a major role in mating, with a strong evolutionary basis. As I have explained in previous posts, women, who undertake the heavier costs of reproduction (pregnancy, breastfeeding) are choosier than men when selecting a mate. Women tend to look for various signal indicators of mate quality, and a great sense of humor is one of them. Humor is strongly correlated with intelligence, which explains why women value men with a great sense of humor, as intelligence was crucial for survival throughout our evolutionary history when we mostly lived in hunter-gatherer groups

Men don't hold a sence of humour against women... Women are "choosier" than men. For women sence of humour can tip the the scales of choice in a mate. But it doesn't say that men discard and are unattracted to women who are funny.

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