Why is there a stigma against the lifestyle of neurosurgeons?

My experience from 2 blocks of Neurosurg as a Neuro resident: - 4:30/5am starts, getting home around 8pm - 1 in 3 call because there are so few residents - No post-call days. Just did a 28hr shift? You’re still going to be expected to stick around the entire next day. - Patient lists up to 50-60 (this was a neuro centre & trauma site), which is exceedingly overwhelming when you’re alone overnight and dealing with incoming ED consults

I know people outside of medicine/aspiring to medicine might look at this and glorify it or think it sounds so cool in a weird, masochistic way but it felt so unsafe and miserable. It was the lowest I have ever felt in my entire life, because I was so sleep-deprived and genuinely had no time for me. Grateful that people enjoy this specialty enough to pursue it, but it ain’t me.

/r/Residency Thread