Is there a sub menu list drag/scroll velocity multiplier command for js or css?

Here is some coding from one of my js files that I'm curious about. Does it make sense to change a value to have momentum scrolling?

jQuery.fn.ScrollTo = function(s) {
        o = jQuery.speed(s);
        return this.each(function() {
            new jQuery.fx.ScrollTo(this, o);

jQuery.fx.ScrollTo = function (e, o) {
    var z = this;
    z.o = o;
    z.e = e;
    z.p = jQuery.getPos(e);
    z.s = jQuery.getScroll();
    z.clear = function(){clearInterval(z.timer);z.timer=null};
    z.t=(new Date).getTime();
    z.step = function() {
        var t = (new Date).getTime();
        var p = (t - z.t) / z.o.duration;
        if (t >= z.o.duration+z.t) {
            setTimeout(function(){z.scroll(z.p.y, z.p.x)},13);
        } else {
            st = ((-Math.cos(p*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5) * (z.p.y-z.s.t) + z.s.t;
            sl = ((-Math.cos(p*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5) * (z.p.x-z.s.l) + z.s.l;
            z.scroll(st, sl);
    z.scroll = function (t, l){window.scrollTo(l, t)};
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