Why is there such a big movement to cancel student debt?

The Science part of STEM is a lie. There are no jobs for people with a bachelors in a science. It's weird, because they have proven they are quite capable with complex systems, but there's simply no demand. I was a micro/molec bio and chem major, I finished that degree in 2009, there were no jobs. None. I was lucky and went straight to grad school, where I got shit pay but it was something and I felt like I was working towards something better in term of jobs, but after the M.S. there wasn't any work, and after the PhD it was still really hard, and I'm hugely underutilized in what I actually do, but despite there appearing to be a lot of jobs and it seeming like biotech would be a big industry that hires a lot of skilled workers to pay decent wages, it's not that at all. It's incredibly hard to even get a call back about a position, but you are in a super weird position because there are a lot of lower jobs that won't hire you because you are so educated. This isn't only a PhD thing, it was after my M.S too, I looked at the market for a year, and then through some of my PhD and even living in biotech hot spots I don't think they were actually hiring, because I never got any calls back. Trying to network outside of academia proved somewhat difficult as well, as people would be interested for a bit but it never went anywhere.

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