Why is there such a positive perception of Eugenics in today's society?

well, what I got from your picture was that because people are ableist fucks. It's fucking disgusting to be honest when people get confronted with a question like "why should a group of people not be allowed to reproduce" and they respond by further justifying it.

But then we get to the problem. There aren't many good places to talk about ableism. I'm sure even here there will be the fair bit of apologism / related bullshit. Meanwhile, the places where people do talk about neurotic people tend to be places like, hey, they mentioned it, /r/raisedbynarcissists. I don't think you could ask for a more fucking perfect example. Because frankly, bigotry can't always be perpetuated openly. Sometimes it has to be a bit more clever, and dress itself up as social concern.

Since I'm surely going to get a lot of flak for this, let's start off with a short checklist of things that just might suggest that your community has a problem:

Because narcissists rarely seek care, few of our parents have a formal diagnosis. So in this space, "narcissist" is a term used loosely to refer to a variety of conditions, and is not used in a clinical sense.

If you know you are a narcissist, consider posting to /r/selfimprovement or /r/DecidingToBeBetter as narcissists are NOT allowed to post or comment in this subreddit.

If you are worried that you may hurt people with your behavior, you are showing a lot of empathy: a trait that a true narcissist very much lacks. If you are willing to see your mistakes and see where you can improve, you are showing a lot of insight into yourself: another trait any narcissist I have ever seen severely lacks.

[one of their fav terms] When a non-personality-disordered individual (Non-PD) begins imitating or emulating some of the disordered behavior of a loved one or family member with a personality disorder this is sometimes referred to as "getting fleas". Fleas comes from the adage “Lie down with dogs and you are bound to get fleas”.

The last two are both taken from this post, if you're morbidly curious.

In any case: I think the last guy in your screenshot actually pretty much sums everything in this particular worldview: there are temporary inconveniences, like depression or anxiety that happen to everyone and aren't a big deal at all, and then there's things that just make you less of a human being. Sometimes you have to be really clever to get it to stick, maybe by working very diligently to take aspects of other people's humanity & identity and turn them into synonyms for "murderer" or "lying manipulative [slurs]" or "generally horrible and abusive person."

Shitty? Yeah, it is. But the world outside isn't any different. We're in a "antiableist" SJ community right now and there are still people here who get away with comparing disabled persons managing their mental illnesses to "trained wolves." It's not deviance, it's the norm.

/r/SRSDiscussion Thread