Is there such a thing as no-gi Judo?

Funny story, one time there was a guy from out of state that came in on business and showed up for a class at my old Judo school. He was a brown belt and I, a one month white belt, eventually ended up with him during randori. He hit me really hard with a full on over the shoulder seoi nage. It shook me a bit, as any huge throw does as a heavyweight white belt, but I hopped right back up and was fine. A few other guys were giving him 'wtf?' kind of looks though. He was a really nice guy and I doubt he did it to be a dick, but both of us were heavyweights and that was a big throw. Well he gets with one of the other heavyweights that I would usually spar with and he hits him with a hard tai otoshi. I noticed it, but I don't think the guy ever put two and two together, and as a brown belt he obviously wasn't shaken up by it.

Most of us had a habit of staying pretty long after class lifting or getting some extra rounds in, and after he left me and the guy who threw him had a good laugh about it.

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