So there I was tripping neon demon balls in the Amazon jungle while projectile purging from both ends simultaneously...

You really don't have to break it down. And gimme a break, I never even went to fucking high school. Obviously these concepts are a bit over my head. I could tell you of my experiences forever and still wouldn't be able to convey them in a way you'd understand. Tell you what, if you really want to get to the source, lose yourself first. Go starve in the jungle for a while on snake meat and wormy's like this massive organism consuming you, drop by drop, pound by pound, thought by thought, so that your thoughts become its thoughts, its thoughts your thoughts, were death is as verdant as life, so thick with it that they are the same, and when life and death become indistinguishable, silly constructs like identity evaporate with the rain and there is only the jungle, the buzzing, chirping, clicking, whirring cacophany-become-symphony, massive toads singing dirges for the rain, flat and sad as a foghorn....and in the jungle's screaming night, a boundless sentience moves, through the trees, through the air, through the water, through the earth, a joyous terror, a dying while never more truly alive....

Ach! It's pointless. Unless you've experienced that, there's just no way you could ever possibly understand it. To be both here and there at the same time, split in two, alkaloids, frog venom and scorpion neurotoxin rewiring your brain. It becomes beyond comprehension.

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