Is there a way to riot can make flash not an auto-get on 95% of champions?

Except you shouldn't need flash to have enough options on Riven.

  • Possibility 1: Enemy adc is low and you want to go in on them - well, you do have a ranged execution ult.
  • Possibility 2: Same, but they are too far in, so you need to flash - your QQQE and ult is enough distance to reach from midturret to midturret - if you need flash to get closer, you are diving in way too deep.
  • Possibility 3: You need flash to go over a wall to cut off the enemy or catch someone who's weak - well, you could learn to QQEQ over walls.
  • Possibility 4: You need to dive enemy team but don't want to waste E or Q - You are playing Riven so, so wrong.

What you should be doing is splitpushing (this is under the assumption you take tp/aggro-lane-SS, double-aggro-SS is a very team specific pick). Riven is a dueler, not a diver, she isn't Trynd or Shyv. Does she have a mobile kit? Yes. Does that mean you should dive into the enemy team when you are full-AD build, no armor or MR? No, and if you do it means your spirit animal is a Vayne. You need to think of Riven as the top-lane equivalent of Zed (who, depending on matchups, can see some success in top-lane), not a Garen that can do flips.

As far as flash on ADC's... is it safer to have flash and your escape? Yes. Is it necessary? Well, if I'm a 10/0 Ez with a Leona supp, Morg mid, Sej jung, and Naut top... I probably won't be needing that second escape, will I? This situation is, obviously, an exaggeration, but the point remains - if you have almost any support, coupled with at least 1 other source of hard cc, that right there will be 1 flash-like ability, plus 2 sources of hard cc and one soft (exhaust). If with all that their assassin still goes in on you, he will be too far in to escape, and if it's a tank who managed to get through your front line, and he is that big of a dmg threat that you need to flash away, well the enemy team probably already has a quadra at that point, flash won't help you much there.

tl;dr: Riven isn't a diver like Trynd or Shyv, if you need flash to dive in deeper you are in too deep or playing her wrong.

If you as adc need more than 2 sources of hard cc, one soft, plus a pseudo flash and still can't outplay one of their champs diving in way too far into your team - you probably did something wrong. Not even to mention that the estimate for number of cc's is a pretty conservative one.

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