Is there a word you know the actual pronunciation of, but since you've never seen it in text you read it wrong?

This post reminds me of an episode of I LOVE LUCY where, if memory serves me correctly, Ricky is reading a bedtime story to Little Ricky and mispronouncing a bunch of words. Lucy gently corrects him on each one. Frustrated, Ricky wants to know why COUGH is pronounced COFF, TOUGH is pronounced TUFF, THROUGH is pronounced THROO, BOUGH is pronounced BOW, and DOUGH is pronounced DOE, since they’re all spelled similarly. Lucy tries to explain but she doesn’t do a very good job since she takes those words for granted. Ricky then proceeds to read more but can’t remember how each word should be pronounced and, well, let’s just say I remember laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

/r/books Thread