Is there a word for someone who is *almost* anti-car but doesn't realize it?

Obviously the system wouldn't work in a vacuum. Trying to implement this in the current situation would not work for exactly those reasons.

It's a system deeply tied to a social revolution that came about during a period of regional destabilization caused by the Syrian civil war in a complicated political situation after the collapse of the existing security apparatus. Its also made with concerns for very specific regional issues that don't directly apply here.

It would be absurd to drag and drop the system I described to here, and I didn't intend to suggest we do so. But, having a plan for establishing our own community organized security in the event of similar destabilization is what I'm considering.

Your concerns are exactly the ones they're trying to address... As they exist in Syria. No shit we can't just copy them. Regardless, I still do mean "defund the police" when I say defund the police.

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