Why do you think there's evil in the world?

Not to minimize people's experiences; but studies have shown that NDE's are more than likely due to large amounts of dimethyltryptamine being secreted by the pineal gland in the early stages of death. DMT is an extremely potent psychedelic that causes experiences that many proclaim to be 'more real than reality.' I've talked to a guy who's died several times and has done DMT hundreds of times. He told me dying is basically like an extremely potent DMT trip. Many people have many different experiences. But a common one is that feeling of peace, love, and oneness with the cosmos. It could be said that the brain developed this process as a means of easing the transition into nothingness.

I don't wanna be a downer; but there is evil in the world because that is just the nature of things. Like yea there are serial killers and rapists and whatnot; but what about lions? Lions commit savage murder every time they eat. Nature is wrought with suffering; humans are just the only ones ruminative enough to be offended by it.

/r/NDE Thread