There's no such thing as wrong place and time

My girlfriend and I have decided we don't necessarily want a wedding. We understand that usually no one really wants to be at those things not to mention it's way too expensive.

But it's pretty selfish of you to force people to come and then not expect them to do what makes them happy. It's selfish to expect someone to have all eyes on you, unless it's the actual vow part. This couple in the video is fucking dancing, who cares if someone isn't paying attention. Not to mention that, again, since people are usually forced to go, you never know when someone has reached their social limit and needs to recharge. That has nothing to do with "being an adult". I'm an adult. I pay all my bills on time, work full time, etc. But I refuse to socialize for long periods of time because I just don't enjoy it. Being adult doesn't mean "dOiNg ThInGs YoU dOnT wAnT To tO mAkE oThErs HaPpY", it means having the ability to make the choices to not end up in the position where you don't have to do what you don't want.

If someone is gonna make time out of their probably already busy lives to come to a wedding you should be happy they're there and let them do what makes them happy and be happy that they're happy. If the couple wants all eyes on them and it seriously makes them upset that you'd rather catch up on your favorite hobby than watch them dance or some shit, then that makes them selfish and petty and honestly unseasonable. There are other people at the wedding. You don't need every single person giving you attention the whole time.

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