Why there's no or very less women who fetishize Asian guys?

Size does matter but not a dicks' size.

I'm not talking about my own experience, it's my best guess based on being active in all kinds of sex communities.

Obviously, not all women but a significant amount of them prefers bigger guys. I'm not even talking about muscles, more about... more body to touch, does that make sense?

Now, I know that not every Asian man is close to anorexia but they are generally seen as very thin. It's very rare to sexualize on social media men with visible ribs, don't you think? Most thin guys seen as hot have something else that makes them unique, like tattoos.

There are "average-sized" Asians, there are obese Asians. But in general you see mostly thin men.

I never looked intentionally for interracial porn/ with a specific race but I do look for porn with my kinks and I watch anything that matches it - I don't even care whether it's gay or straight. And I don't think I've ever seen Asian porn where BMI of these men matched mine and I am slim.

Don't hate me for it, I know my comment sounds awful but I was just trying to explain that some preferences are more popular than other and I think that's the reason. I'm not trying to discriminate anyone.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread