There's a rift between "true" TRP, and bastardized reddit TRP.

Being nice isn't a strategy, it's a personality trait. Pretending to be nice isn't a strategy any more than "try to impress your date" is a strategy.

You're still trying to argue semantics? The name doesn't matter. It's not important to this conversation. Call it poopdick, I don't give a shit. The important thing is that it is a dating strategy.

unless you also think going to work or to a coffee shop is effort.

Yes, I do.

These are really normal every day things

No they're not. Or at least, choosing to work at the kind of job that makes real money as opposed to bullshit money isn't. And even then, there's a lot of unemployed dudes in the world.

As for the paying, no reasonable person is saying that's required, you volunteering to do it to get laid is not nice and should not be considered a strategy unless you're taking out an escort.

No, it's a strategy. It might not be a good strategy...but it is a strategy. I could decide to not swing at a single pitch as a batter. Occasionally I'd get walked. This is also a strategy. It's also a bad one. Just because you don't like a strategy or it's unsuccessful doesn't negate the fact that it's still a strategy.

When I say "fall into their lap" I mean guys like most of the ones from niceguysofokc. These guys are angry that women aren't beating down their door/returning their messages because they are so "nice." It's actually code for "I can't see why people don't like me, therefore there must be something wrong with them."

I guess I'm going to have to restate the same goddamn thing for the 42nd time because you still can't grasp this. "Nice" is a strategy. It's a strategy that requires effort. They are made that this effort has been useless. Not using a strategy and being mad would be (here's a repeat again) never even leaving the house, and expecting women to come knocking on your door looking for dick.

Is this finally making sense?

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