These fires now top the list of area burnt in Australian history

I have been sitting on this statement for a while now. As it can cause some controversy for some. OK the fires. Where the fires are. I was raised around those areas. Family used to have property there. Years ago, farmers used to do there own hazard reductions of their bush. Of course this was done during the winter. This was taught by indigenous people. One obviously it reduces the fuel on the ground. But it also allows new growth to come through. This helped the livestock during the drought over summer. We used to put the cattle there. Even into national parks. You used to get a licence for your cattle to graze. Believe it or not. I used to help with family on horse move cattle under the Clyde mountain over the summer to graze. Now they're closed off for this to happen. Can't even go and get firewood. Over the years there was push back from people that bought property out there. But these uneducated people complained about the smoke and how bad it is for the environment. Of course like everything in this world these days. The empty barrel makes the loudest noise and councils started to listen to these people. Councils started to fine farmers for doing their own hazard reduction. OK I get the picture. More houses, more risk of houses been burned. Then the local fire brigades used to come out and assist with this. Which was put down to training. They did a great job. But of course funding had to be used elsewhere for the fire fighters having to fight the bigger blazes on places that did little to no hazard reduction. That meant with out firies helping. Others weren't allowed to burn off either. So the cycle continues. This is where we have the huge infernos we are currently having.

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