They've bought the world and they'll rent it back to you. Ghoulishly chipper headlines on CNN this AM.

You and me both. I worry more about the life they will encounter as this planet (slowly?) dies then I do about financial aspects, but that too is a concern.

Your absolutely right about being a stones throw away from bankruptcy. I too am fully insured and was diagnosed with cirrhosis 4.5 years ago. I got incredibly lucky as my insurance practically covered my 3 week hospital bill, but I know I can lose everything in a moment.

My first comment was nothing more the disputing the redundant and factually false "mIlLeNnaLs CaN't AfFoRd HoMeS" rhetoric. Perhaps it is getting more difficult to accomplish this, but it is not impossible as I am an example.

These kids on reddit that downvote common sense shit is infuriating if for nothing else as a reminder of the naive reddit user base.

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