Thin Air Podcast (Missing Persons) Makes News: Mention of Marie Ann Watson and Deborah Dee Sykes

I'm the host of this show and I wanted to weigh in on this discussion.

First, I certainly didn't mean to imply guilt--having read this, however, it makes me want to go back and change my wording, for sure. I like down below the phrasing "shed some light" because I feel as though that is more accurate. I imagined it sounding differently to me, but I take your point seriously and will look into revising it. I want you to know that I definitely do not think she had anything to do with his disappearance or that she is somehow responsible, and I'd like to think that anyone listening would assume that as well. The reason I brought it up is because it's the only time/call on that log that is not accounted for. If there is even the chance that she spoke to him that day or night, or met him in passing, she could have crucial information about his state of mind or the direction he was headed. Or, better yet, if it was totally an accident call, that would be great to hear too! It would definitely help provide some closure (either way) to those who have been trying to find the answer to this particular issue for a long time with no avail.

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