Thin people of reddit, what are some examples of "skinny shaming" you have experienced?

26 year old male. Been skeletor-slim whole life.

Strangers probably are taking me for 17 because I'm always asked for an id. Namecalling really stopped because with time I've learned how to offend people with some things they feel insecure about. So some skinny shaming:

  • Entered wholesale with eletric stuff. The moment I entered large women behind the counter screamed laughing: "Hahaha I've heard that we're going to have some slim guy." I've just put some "disappointment in humanity" face. Some customers laugh some cringed. She then added "Did that offend you?". Just calmly told her "I don't have an issue with my weight but thank you for reminding me that others do".
  • "You look like a coathanger" - classic opening line
  • "Do you even eat"
  • "I can pick you up and carry to [place]"
  • When people I eat in some new places (ie. at mother-in-law's), before anyone eats, they stare at me to see if I eat or something. Generally I just pick up my cutlery and stare them back.
  • As mentioned - stares at locker room
  • I can't swim because every pool visit I felt like circus attraction
  • Almost every club visit leads to someone looking to beat me up for made up reasons. Got into a fight at Christmass Eve because some guy intetionally hit me with a shoulder then asking for apology. Then 2 guys run to his help. 1 holding me, others beating. Because of experience in this situations I left only with bruises and broken nose (for n'th time)
  • Visiting castle in Malbork when tourguide explaied crossbow he told that everyone can stretch (or whatever it calls) it, oh but of course not me [laughing track]
  • People touch to check out how small my muscles are
  • Whenever doing something physical there're comments and staring
  • When younger I was wearing too big clothes to hide my skinnyness
  • Worse thing - got bullied in my teens so I thought of a solution: get other bullied kid and bully the shit out of him so I look like someone to not mess around. I still have stings of remorse about it...but it worked. Later I just outdrink guys in high school.
  • Was terrified of sex because i had to be naked (not an issue now because its all about that dick and vag)

Right now I've got no problem with my weight. As a electrician I can reach places that my fat competition can't. And it really doesn't bother me.

/r/AskReddit Thread