Is this a thing?!

So everyone is going to spam No and for the most part they are right.

But just FYI 'part' of it is right but NOWHERE near the time or scale they are putting. Electrons moving along a wire (lets consider PCB pathing to be a wire) is not a given constant. The speed of the charge (what we actually care about) is much faster but still not constant and heavily depends on the material it is being made with, something we have optimized a VERY LONG time ago.

IF the material starts to loose it's integrity the electrical properties of the device can change and thus 'slow' things down. However, this is on the scale of HUNDREDs of years for it to even be slightly measurable and well into THOUSANDS of years until it even get to a point of making even a slight difference. There are just so many more things in running a device hundreds to thousands of years that will happen before that.

It was an interesting extra credit problem I (ECE major) helped a friend with who was majoring in Material Science.

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