Things you dislike about your favourite characters and things you like about your least favourite.

Favorite: 1. Kakashi - always feels that if he isn't powerfuk enough, he is of no use, which isn't true. And the thing I kinda disliked is the lack of things he taught Team 7 when they were genin. Minato taught his team much more when they were the same age. Maybe it is because team 7 had less time together, but still... 2. Obito - why didn't he bloody spammed his Rinnegan during war? Why didn't he use his sage power at fullest? 3. Sasuke - what bullshit is that atonement? You're working alone, like Itachi did. Your brother's biggest regret was taking on the burden alone and not cooperating with his comrades. Sticking on the same lonely path, huh?

Least favorites 1. Sakura - what is your love for Sasuke fonded on? You both barelly interacted, and later he tried to kill you countless times, while not giving a shit. Hinata's crush has more grounds than yours, at least she kinda had connection with Naruto since they were kids. Really now Stocholm syndrome or fear to overcome PTDS ? 2. Hiruzen - had you talked earlier with the Uchiha, the massacre and the coup could have been avoided. Had you acted as a Hokage, the Uchiha would have not been ordered around by some councilors or would have not been discriminated. 3. Madara - a coward who could not admit the defeat. Yeah, he won after stealing power from others and then made fun of them. 4. Shikamaru - a guy who overppreciates himself, thinking he's smart so he doesn't need to be more powerful. Still he wants to go on battlefield...

/r/Naruto Thread