Things to give up for Lent

My tradition doesn't pick things to give up for Lent; we all fast together by the same canon. (see Rule of Fasting.)

I won't try to convince anybody else to follow our fast; simply changing or eliminating food isn't a Fast anyway. But I would suggest committing to some common rule together with others. When a community practices any discipline together, they benefit from being formed by the discipline.

If you're fasting from some particular sort of food, then every mean or snacktime becomes a reminder that you have entered into a season of repentance (or "spiritual emphasis" if you prefer.) The minor inconvenience, the smallest frustration of our own will, instantly becomes a battlefield, as the ego, pride, and rebel will become furious at being thwarted in any way. People who undertake a diet can confirm how something as silly as "no bread" can become a source of stress. This is a feature.

For those who practice any form of self-denial, the body is not the enemy. The body and its actions are the territory we battle to own. The entrenched compulsions, passions, appetites and previously-unquestioned habits that have previously ruled the actions of our body will not give up without a fight; "The kingdom suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." If we want to own all our actions and our automatic responses, then we begin by identifying one area in our lives that will no longer be controlled by unthinking animal seek-pleasure/flee-pain reflexes.

The reason I urge people to undertake Lent together, as a group or community, is from my own experience. When I choose for myself an area of self-denial or self-discipline, it starts as an exercise in self-will, and results in pride of accomplishment. But when I submit to a rule which I receive, then the act of submission is the first blow in a battle to dethrone my ego. It can (potentially) even result in the acquisition of humility.

May you have a blessed, peaceful, and spiritually beneficial season of Lent, leading you to the bright resurrection of the Lord!

/r/Christianity Thread