Thinking about starting a family - stories, advice?

I have a pituitary tumor and wasn’t supposed to get pregnant. It was shocked that I did and a very pleasant surprise.

My pregnancy was good for the most part in terms of body aches. I actually felt somewhat normal! The only thing that increased was fatigue. I admit I took 3 naps a day. I also had MAJOR food aversions and could only eat so much.

I highly suggest having your thyroid monitored. Mine was in the normal range for non pregnancy, but increased during pregnancy. I was put on synthroid to help stabilize. It worked great, but I had a blood test every month to ensure all was well.

My pregnancy got tricky towards the end. I ended up with gestational diabetes which isn’t a big deal. It’s actually easier to deal with than most people realize. Mine was diet controlled so no need for insulin or medication. I did, however, end up with gestational hypertension/pre-eclampsia. I was induced at 35 weeks.

All I can say is every pregnancy is different. I’ve known fibromyalgia sufferers who felt great during their pregnancy like me and others who felt absolutely awful or no change at all.

If you have any more questions or something specific you want to talk about, feel free to ask away or message me at any time.

My daughter is now two years old and days are long and hard. I’ve cried over feeling guilty that I can’t be the mom I want to be. But she’s worth it. So worth it. Gentle hugs to you.

/r/Fibromyalgia Thread