Thinking of putting 1% of my total savings into crypto

OP, you sound like your head is screwed on right, crypto is high risk, high reward. Please don’t follow these moonshot advices.

There is absolutely a place for crypto in an investment portfolio, but unless you’ve been through one of the serious bear market runs you can’t exactly know how you’ll react in an 80% loss of wealth.

I use exodus and Binance with the majority in exodus.

Have about 5% of our portfolio in crypto, which is slowly growing quicker than the rest, but I am realistic that one day it might all come crashing down.

Be realistic with the downsides aswell as the upsides.

Crypto is here to stay, with big institutions like MasterCard, Tesla, DHL, Walmart all being involved. It’s not going away, but that doesn’t meN we won’t ever see significant drops either.

Good luck on your investment strategy and don’t lose yourself in the hype.

/r/PersonalFinanceNZ Thread