Thinking you're superior just because you don't believe in God and bullying people who do follow a religion only makes you an asshole.

I understand that you shouldn't trample on someone else's ideas. It makes you look like an asshole and it makes you seem very pompous. But religion and all theistic ideas is something that needs to go away completely.

Religious people will tell me, "Whats wrong with just believing in something that makes me a better person" or " Why can't you let someone live in peace with an idea they have regardless if its wrong or right".

What I say to that is this. I understand that approach completely and full heartedly. If someone wanted to believe whole heartedly that a god created us all the way down pissing on someone for a fetish. You can do that all you want. But they forget this. We can't prove God exists or existed. But we can prove that many stories that have been told pertaining to god through the bible are false, not likely, or just a fairytale with metaphorical meaning. So when you have events in the bible where they all don't make sense or don't even prove that Jesus walked (and was a prophet) or God was a master hand in the process. Why are WE believing in theism. The whole belief of theism is when you think the bible is true and its events. NOT GOD. If you believe in "a" god (lower case g) and not the God (capital G), you are a deist which not interfere with the world we live in of materialism and our measuring of reality.

Well theists will always say, "Why don't you think of the possibilities of what can be done outside of the materialist realm" or they will ask the even more ignorant question "What is reality? as a human.

Atheists do think of the possibilities outside of the materialist realm. We have stories, we have movies, we have ideas.That doesn't mean we jump to the first sweet sounding idea we come up with. If we have no way to see it, smell it, feel it, measure it, touch it what is even the point of wasting our time, money, childrens time, and even our livelihood of a human race trying to interpret it WITHOUT a sliver of foundation to start with? For example we can't even agree on ONE god and one religion. If you choose one religion like Christianity, we can't agree on ONE denomination and even within ONE denomination we can't agree on certain topics discussed in the community. You can still have one person think that stealing is immoral regardless of the situation who is an episcopalian and another of the same denomination think that stealing is okay if the person is doing financially more well off then you. So if you can't agree down to the grain from a mound of salt. Whats the whole point?

Our whole world is built and continues to progress on knowledge, education, and rationality. But religion knows deep within that the belief of God makes 0 sense. However, they are willing to gamble any form of anything left within them only to show off how much hope they have for it working out even if the percentage is .01% or even 0.0%. They don't understand the logic majority of the time, they don't understand not wanting perfection. They are okay with believing that everyone is not perfect for the sake of a perfect being in the sky who is perfect and final judgment makes it perfect regardless of how irrational and imperfect everything else leading up to that final judgment is.

This is why theists and atheists could never argue. One has their feet planted on the ground and uses logic and you try to reason with the opposing side. But the theists want to not be ridiculed for taking a leap of faith. But you're can't reason them out of their leap of faith. Their leap of faith is not reasoned into. Its a giant concentration of hope that is protected by their ego. Its the ceiling of the human psyche and I'll be damned if I will be passive towards anyone trying to hinder the progress of the world with it.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread