A third of Britons have stopped or reduced eating meat

Nonsense. If you're a strict vegan, that's true, but if you are not a strict vegan, which is most people, then it's much worse that even consuming meat. Your viewpoint is far too simplistic. Most vegans are eating substitute foods and therefore they are having more impact.

If you truly believe in what you do, and want to save the planet, by all means eat lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers, but don't try to pass off as being moral when you eat substitute foods that have more impact on the environment than actually raising cattle.

Not to mention, you've totally ignored the fact that the absorption rate of macronutrients from meat is much higher than what can be absorbed from plant matter. Again, vegans always ignore this. Another thing they conveniently ignore is the link between candida and sugar.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com