Third night of unrest in Sweden over far-right anti-Islam rally | Sweden

You can't really take a muslim person who believes that a woman's testimony is only worth half of a man's and then throw them into the secular west and assume they are suddenly going to change their entire mindset -

This isn't how it works. It's a very generalised idea of what kind of immigrants come to the west. It's often the youth who grew up in the country who get extremely religious. They often take religion more serious than their parents. This can happen because they are young and are trying to find their identity. They are not integrated well within the society and only hang out with other young men from the same roots. Add in there that generally the youth wants to be diff than their parents and you have a cocktail for these kind of groups.

I hope I explained it well, but it all boils down to this. People are not inherently bad, Muslims aren't either. But you need a very good and strong integration policy to avoid these problem. AFAIK the integration policy or Sweden is shit. Most immigrants live concentrared together in their own neighbours with less contact to the Swedes. Not only is that a recipe for badly integrated people, it's also a recipe for xenophobia. There is a reason why xenophobia is less in the big cities and bigger outside the cities.

It's easy to blame it all on Muslims (like this hateful thread does), but imho it's mostly the guest country that fucks thing up by not integrating the people well enough.

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