Thorin's Thoughts - TSM and their Super-Team Struggles (LoL)

"Unless the coach is literally stirring your coffee with his dick, it's ridiculous to fire him before the split is even finished."

Not the biggest Thorin fan, but this is definitely my favorite quote from the video.

From what I've gathered, Thorin's made the following judgements about TSM's present state:

  1. Woodbuck's background in traditional sports doesn't provide him with enough game knowledge to actually command the respect of the players or handle the intricacies of competitive League. His misguided focus on work ethic and poor attempts to create player synergy were particularly naive endeavors, but his quick dismissal was quite unusual nonetheless.
  2. Bjergsen and Doublelift need to stick to their roles as mechanically strong carries and leave the leadership aspects to Yell0wStar. Also, Doublelift needs to play more "OP" champions (i.e. Corki, Kalista, etc.) whenever they are available to aid in his carrying efforts.
  3. Yell0wStar's strengths lie in his "godlike" shotcalling, not in his laning or playmaking - plus, the ADCs that he's supported in the past have practiced passive laning styles. If he's not able to adopt the role of team captain, then Yell0wStar is merely "above average" in his position.
  4. Svenskeren was a questionable choice for TSM's needs - his playstyle lacks the sort of measured aggression required for carrying, and TSM needs a more support-oriented playstyle to assist Bjergsen/Doublelift. On his own, Sven has very little knowledge of map movements and required "micromanaging" from past teammates to perform efficiently.
  5. Hauntzer is one of the better toplaners in the region, and his recent performance has been quite good (especially on Poppy).
  6. TSM's 7-3 record looks better on paper than it actually is - all of their losses (CLG, IMT, NRG) were versus other good teams, but their wins were often close games against bottom-tier LCS teams.
  7. TSM still maintains a good overall winrate because of its top-tier individual players, but shotcalling and team synergy aren't present at terribly high levels. These problems might hamper TSM during playoffs and especially for international competition.
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