Thorium Disadvantages (2017) - Explains difficulties with liquid thorium reactor research in the USA. 46:53

we won't have the means to supply the electricity needed from our renewable sources and current power stations.

I mean, I'm all for some thorium reactors, but they are expensive take decades to build and frankly we don't have the luxury to wait decades in terms of climate change.

Second, new zealnd is like 80-90% on renewables already between hydro and wind. So I don't know what you're complaining about.

And finally Solar power is here to stay, is cost competitive if not cheaper than many conventional fuel alternatives now, and it's following swanson's law in getting cheaper. In 10 years pv will cost half of any alternative. We're going to see more PV regardless because it's going to be the cheapest option. Battery technology is taking off alongside it to make a potent combination.

So, yes thorium is great, but it's decades off. Fusion is great but it's still theoretical. Those are long term solutions. Solar is a ready solution right now. Honestly for spouting about how blind people are about how things work you may want to research a bit more next time...

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