To those that followed a Computer Science career mainly for money

Are you satisfied?


Did it meet or exceed your expectations financially?

It definitely exceeded my expectations in terms of what I expected average salaries to be. I thought all these 70k, 100k salaries that I had heard of were for overachievers and people on top of their game, and that those of us mediocre devs could settle for lower-salary positions. Unfortunately, those insane salaries are actually considered the norm, but it is very very hard to get a job in this industry. I'm currently faced with having to reconsider my career choices because I didn't know this field was so damn competitive.

More importantly, are you happy with your decision? What would you change about it if anything?

No, if I were to go back I would have majored in something where the job market isn't so competitive.

/r/cscareerquestions Thread